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Every day you have a lot to manage: projects, information, people. Whether you need to see if a project is still on track, analyze data to ensure you’re on track with your budget or sales goals, or manage a great volume of information, the management and analysis tools in Microsoft Office and SharePoint can help.
DocIcon Project management with Excel
While Project is best for managing large projects, learn how to use Excel worksheets to keep track of smaller ones.
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DocIcon Share and analyze data faster
Use Excel features like Sparklines and Data Bars help you present and compare trends in seconds.
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DocIcon Using OneNote as a reference document
OneNote's tabs and sections make it a flexible format for delivering training manuals, sales playbooks, and other reference guides.
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DocIcon Using PivotTable slicers
Slicers allow you to quickly filter PivotTable data without having to open drop-down lists to find the items that you want to filter.
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DocIcon Using sparklines to show trends
Use sparklines to show trends, such as seasonal changes, economic cycles, or to highlight maximum and minimum values.
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